Can we see Harry Potter and the cursed child movie in future?
Article by Shriya Sirmour

As we know, Harry Potter was big part of our childhood ,it books were famous world wide and there craze is not gone yet. Wizarding world will never make potterheads down so they have make Fantastic beast franchise but many potterhead want more franchise of Harry Potter.
On 31 July 2016, a new Harry Potter book publised and the craze was double for it as we know J.K.Rowling is the writer of all harry potter franchise but cursed child is written by J.K.Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne.
According to an report it is expected that after fantastic beast frachise we can see Harry Potter and the cursed child movie but,
Harry Potter & The Cursed Child's Release Date Is Unconfirmed. Since nothing has been confirmed by either Warner Bros. or JK Rowling.
And a bad news has came that Daniel Radcliffe has revealed that he's not interested in starring in a film adaptation for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
But we can still expect for the movie.
As well as you could buy and see cursed child act online .